General Information for Mh 1710, Fall 2008


Instructor: Phillip Zenor
Office: 310 PKH
e-mail address:
Office hours: to be determined.

Text: Calculus with Early Vectors

Quizzes: You can expect at least one ten-fifteen minute quiz each week. There will be no makeup quizzes, but the lowest quiz grade will be replaced by the subsequent hour exam grade provided the exam grade is higher.

Hour Exams approximately every three weeks
Final Exam: Saturday, December 10, 8:00-10:30 pm

Grading Policy: Quizzes and homework 10%, Exams 60%, Final 30%.
A: 90+ average or 95+ on final.
B: 80-89 average or 85-94 on final
C: 70-79
D: 60-69